- PCBW Episode 102 - Scott Straley (Paulding County Engineer's Office)
- PCBW Episode 102 - Scott Strahley (Paulding County Engineer's Office)
- PCBW Episode 101 - Leslie Moser (Grover Hill Hardware House)
- PCBW Episode 100 - Tim Copsey, Terry Carwile, Joe Barker - (PCED, WMYW My102.7)
- PCBW Episode 99 - Kim Molitor (Buckeye Hearing & Audiologist)
- PCBW Episode 98 - Sarah Harpel (Paulding County Clerk of Courts)
- PCBW Episode 97 - Doug Schlatter, Dave Nice, Jane Nice (Reclaimed Living Sober Transitional Housing Board Members)
- PCBW Episode 96 - Sarah Shuherk (Paulding County Recorder Elect)
- PCBW Episode 95 - Brian Shuherk (Solid Ground LLC.)
- PCBW Episode 94 - Jen Smith (Hometown Speech Connections)
- PCBW Episode 93 - Eric Davis (Wessler Engineering)
- PCBW Episode 92 - Harvey Hyman (Paulding County Juvenile & Probate Court Judge)
- PCBW Episode 91 - Kass Chesnut (Growth Fitness)
- PCBW Episode 90 - Heather Sherburn (Hidn Treasures)
- PCBW Episode 89 - Heather Matusiak (GenFed Credit Union)
- PCBW Episode 88 - Greg Johnson and Jeff Sterner (Herbert E. Orr Company)
- PCBW Episode 87 - Alfonso Rocha (Nini's Ice Cream)
- PCBW Episode 86 - Shannon Ruschel (WMEA)
- PCBW Episode 85 - Tiffany Rockhold (OhioMeansJobs of Defiance & Paulding Counties)
- PCBW Episode 84 - Anne Reinhart & Kenny Thomas (Gorrell Brothers Real Estate & Auctioneers)
- PCBW Episode 83 - Daniel Dunlap (Four County Inspections, Code 3 Properties and Construction and The Charloe Sno-Cone)
- PCBW Episode 82 - Chad & Klint Manz (Might Cubes & Dumpsters)
- PCBW Episode 81 - Joel Fields (Holistic Wizard Wellness)
- PCBW Episode 80 - Veterans Memorial - John Daeger (VFW Post 587 Commander), Mike Kauser (Paulding County Land Bank)
- PCBW Episode 79 - Thomas Cameron (Backwall Archery)
Tim Copsey, Host of Paulding County Business Weekly
Tim is the Economic Development Director for Paulding County. Since January 2020, Tim has been working diligently to unify the 12 townships, 11 villages and hundreds of businesses around Paulding County. His goal is to make quick and efficient work of communicating with Paulding County businesses so they can capitalize on every opportunity that becomes available. Tim graduated from Antwerp High School and spent 34 years working in Paulding County manufacturing. He has also travelled North America for business and uses that experience to help guide economic decisions in the county today. Tim and his wife Brenda reside in Antwerp. Before grandchildren became the center of their attention, he and Brenda developed and ran the MAC Gymnasium business in Antwerp. Tim’s single focus now is to collaborate with Paulding County Schools, businesses and government in an effort to keep the county on the forefront and making us #pauldingcountystrong.